NYC Free Tours

English and Spanish tours available! Look for the orange umbrella!

Tour Stops

The NYC Free Tour starts from the “room where it happened!”, right next to The Fraunces Tavern!

1. Fraunces Tavern (Meeting Spot)

We will start the tour of the “birth of the city” and the birth of an idea that will build a nation!

Charging Bull Statue

One of the most iconic statues in New York City. Find out how it was brought to the city!

The Fearless Girl Statue

Take a photo with the Fearless Girl statue located in front of the NYSE. Find out what is the meaning behind the statue.


The New York Stock Exchange. Here we will talk about who were the people that build this system?

The Oculus

This is one of the most interesting building and unusual shape of buildings New York City has to offer! We will go inside and make a bathroom break.

World Trade Center

We will visit Ground Zero and 9/11 Memorial. Feel the energy of the waterfalls in the park.

Wall Street

Walk on the world’s most famous street of finance. Feel the energy and the rush as we stroll down the street.

Federal Hall

Explore Federal Hall from the inside. See where they kept the gold back in the day.

Brooklyn Bridge

We will walk on the Brooklyn Bridge to see the spectacular skyline of Manhattan and find our how the bridge was build.

Brooklyn bridge

Make memories and friends

Our tours are fun and interactive. We focus on the interest of everyone in the group and we’d love to make you feel like you’re walking with a friend =)

We’ll make breaks to take photos!

  • Ask questions!
  • Give random answers =)
  • Experience New York City in a fun way!
Tourist taking photo of a building
group photo on Brooklyn Bridge NYC

Learn about the culture of NYC

  • New York is known for it’s museums, theatre and fashion.
  • Find out about local events in the city.
  • Learn the tip & tricks from New Yorkers!

“The true New Yorker is not someone who was born in New York, but someone who couldn’t live anywhere else”


a NYC local

New York City logo

Our tours are free to book and to join. They work on the Pay-As-You-Wish model. After the tour ends you determine the price for the tour and pay the guide.

This way everyone can join <3

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